Principal’s Message

Dr. G. K. Bhoomanagoudar
M.A, SLET, M.Phil, Ph.D

“Shrama Eva Jayate”

Dear Students! Welcome to K.N.V.V.S Arts, Commerce College Kittur. K.N.V.V.S College, prospectus introduces you to K.N.V.V.S College and provides detailed information of courses offered, fee structure, general rules and eligibility criteria etc. I advise you to read this document carefully and once you join, I expect you to cooperate in our mission of providing a new dimension to education.

Remember what you are doing now, you are doing for tomorrow. You are building a portfolio of knowledge and skills pertinent to your vision of your own future in the world. My staff and I will be pleased to assist you to realize that vision in every way we can. Nevertheless, training for tomorrow is about empowering yourself.

The phenomenal academic achievements of our students have always added glory to the college by securing high University Ranks. The college has a tradition of excelling in Sports and extracurricular activities, in which our students continue to bring us laurels at the university, zonal and National levels year after year. Central and State scholarships and Endowment prizes are also awarded to meritorious and social weaker section stake holders.

I feel proud to acknowledge the contribution of highly qualified, dynamic and multi-talented faculty, non teaching staff and my students for this. Our teachers work hard throughout the year with the students to provide them high quality educational experience in the form of debates, group discussions, workshops, symposia, seminars and cultural competitions. Eminent personalities are invited from all walks of life to address our students and expose them to new ideas and thoughts. The success of K.N.V.V.S College in all spheres is the combined product of all our little efforts.

It has been said that, “We perfect nature, not by undoing it, but by adding to it what is more than nature, and directing it towards aims higher than its own”. It is in this manner that we make our contribution everlasting, a bequest to the individual, to the community, and finally, to the country.

My best wishes to the new students entering K.N.V.V.S Arts Commerce College Kittur. I wish the best of fortune, peace and prosperity to all those who contribute to the noble task of spreading education and its manifest qualities, aims and objectives.