Goals & Objectives

The objects for which the Sangha is established are:

  • To start and maintain a Secondary School at Kittur.
  • To start various educational institutions with regard to the decision of the General Body in its meeting here in after   referred to.
  • To encourage Social Education.
  • To give scholarships to poor deserving students who wish to proceed for higher education.

Goals and objectives of Arts & Commerce College Kittur:

  • To depart education to the economically backward and rural area students, women sect in particular in accordance with the local needs to enhance their academic wealth.
  • To develop the nationalism, unity and brotherhood, discipline, selfless service and quality amongst youth force.
  • To keep pace on the importance of physical, mental, moral and spiritual progress of the students.
  • To stress on , there is no substitute word to the smart- hard work to imbibe the excellence in the education to fulfil the slogan “Shrama Eva Jayate”.
  • To develop the base of technology in the field of current education with competitiveness.
  • To extend general education in large, Social education in particular in which we live.
  • To enrich the classical profession which is considered as a unique and therapy to the mankind namely Hindustani Music with Tabala.
  • To encourage co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • To make the students befit for employment so as to stand in the society respectfully.